Sample Schedule
While Camp might look a little different this year, we hope campers find the same high-quality programming they have come to love at Camp CaHiTo.
Campers will participate in a range of activities, all of which are age-appropriate and determined by the counselors and what the group likes to do. Activities include Stem Activities, Archery, Hiking, Art and Crafts, Scavenger Hunts, and more.
Possible Activities Include
These are just a sampling of activities and are subject to change.
- Slime
- Penny Boats
- Catapults
- Rockets
- Airplanes
- Ballon Cars
Art & Crafts
- Tropical Sun-catcher
- Magical Wands
- Drawing
- Painting
- Dream Catchers
- Archery
- Hiking
- Scavenger Hunts
- Geo Caching
- Climbing Wall (8 & up)
- Tropical Slide
- Rope Quest
- Museum Trips (8 & up)
- Tropical Water Slide
- Group Singing
- Large Group Activities
Suspended activities
Include indoor activities, fort building, and swimming.
Activities are subject to change. You can reach us at [email protected]g or 619-291-8985 if you have any questions or concerns.